Saturday, June 12, 2010

Dexterity Test

I felt like I was back in preschool.

But with a timer.

I went in to take my manual dexterity test yesterday. I was told the results wouldn't get me kicked out of the program but would identify problems that could affect me in the program. Still, I wanted to do well.

It was pretty straightforward. The first test involved a metal box with three pegs. I was to use both hands to move two pegs from front to back, then turn the third over. I had to do it as many times as I could in two minutes.

The next test involved these small nut and bolt type things. I was to take the bolt thing out of the hole, put it through the nut, then put them both into another hole. Do it as many times as you can.

The last test involved a large electric pegboard with a probe and a pedal. I was to press the pedal, then put the probe into one of the peg-holes until a light lit up, then go to the next one. It was a little wierd at first, because it had to be done in that particular order -- pedal, probe, is light on?, go to the next. After that, I did it without the pedal, which of course, went faster.

That was it. The lady at the testing center said it's to screen for people with tremors, etc. I wasn't told if I passed or not, but I can't imagine I was the worst they've ever seen.

We'll see.