Monday, February 28, 2011

Lobby Day

On a dark and stormy night...

Actually, it was on a blustery and blizzardy day. Nevertheless, we loaded up in SUVs and headed to Jefferson City for Lobby Day. We enjoyed seeing the capital, hearing from Bonnie Branson and our hired lobbyist. We didn't have any big issues to discuss with out representatives, but it still was fun to meet David Pearce and Denny Hoskins and remind them who we are and what we can do. After a tasty Greek lunch, we headed back home through the snow until next year!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

The Dark Days of Winter

This has been a rough month.

After working so hard last semester, I was almost nauseous with dread thinking about coming back after Christmas. We had many snow days, which gave us a rough start and put us instantly behind. Research papers got piled on, and we started getting terrified as our appointments with real patients loomed closer and closer. Communication problems with instructors made things frustrating. Getting treated badly by seniors got annoying.

Finally, after failing a check-off in clinic on a particularly bad week, I'd had it. The stress made me break down right there in clinic! I went home and texted Kevin that I was done with the program. I'd worked too hard and spent too much money to deal with the crap that was coming my way.

Well, after drowning my sorrows in Moo-llennium Crunch ice cream and threatening to run away, Kevin was able to talk me down from my ledge. I had to re-think how I am approaching this program. I'm a serious student, and I intend to do well, but I'm taking it all TOO seriously. It's my whole life right now, and that's pathetic! I need to back away more often and give myself breaks. Fingers crossed that I can survive this without becoming a bitter old woman!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Free Money!

I don't care who you are, a little free money is ALWAYS a good thing when you're going to college! I firmly believe in applying for any scholarship you qualify for. They're going to give the money to someone -- it might as well be YOU!

Here I am with my kids on the night I was awarded an OSC Scholarship. I was so excited!

Another DH student and I shared the Delta Dental scholarship. Very cool!

Let me review...
Scholarship = good
No scholarship = bad
Let's stick with good, K? Go get 'em!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

...And to all a good bite!

Merry Christmas!

To say we're glad to have our first semester of Dental Hygiene school under our belts is an understatement! Finals were rough, but we survived! Afterward, we took the opportunity to let loose a little and have an Ugly Sweater party! We enjoyed laughing, joking, and eating Mexican food!

Here I am sharing a little poem I wrote for the occasion. (Sorry, there are lots of inside jokes)

'Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the clinic,
Not a creature was stirring, 'cause no one was in it.
The classroom was dark, all the finals were done.
We waged a good battle, but the battle had won.
The ops were all barrier'ed, but the seniors didn't do it.
We just banged it out and got right to it.
With Stefan in his cubby and Dexter in his box,
Keri was all ready to close up the locks.
The students were all partying without any care;
Their grades weren't good, but we won't go there.
Ari in her scrubs and I with my backpack
were just leaving the building to never come back.
When out in the parking lot, there arose such a clatter,
We put on our loupes to see what was the matter.
We ran across campus, our legs were so shaky,
Faster than Xavi when someone says "Akey."
When what to my wondering eyes should appear,
Mrs. Freeman and Langdon, arm in arm, with a beer.
They whistled and shouted and called us by name,
"Now Kayla, now Xavi, now Jac, La, and Lori,
On Kelly, on Ari, on Steph, Jen and Lani.
To the top of the class, now don't you be lazy,
Now fulcrum, adapt, and study like crazy!"
Then they were off, trailing dental floss as they went,
Dreaming of getting a free Diagnodent.
Although Dental Hygiene may kill us, we'll celebrate tonight.
Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good bite!

Random DH Happenings...

Well, I got a bit busy with the rest of the semester, but here's how it went.

Here's my fab clinic partner!

Lots to learn...

A little team-building. I think we're playing "Murder."

Oh my goodness, the tooth ID gave me headaches.

Identify this tooth!

Super Cell Project (yes, that vacuole diagram is a giant cookie)

Another cool project

She's as cool in clinic as she is in class!

Advisory Committee Meeting, looking good in our shirts!

Our instructor had a cocoon sitting in the reception area for awhile. We were lucky enough to be there on its changing day!

Practice makes perfect

Panoramic check-off
It was a busy, hard, overwhelming semester, but we're still smiling!

Sealant Day

Here at SFCC, we do a Sealant Day every month. This is where 3rd graders from the surrounding elementaries come for sealants, plus a lot of other cool stuff. You could say it's how we give back to the community. These are very busy days, and we're usually very tired by the end of the day. But it's fun, too! We get some valuable experience in the clinic, plus we man stations that teach kids about acids, brushing and flossing, the food pyramid, and a theater performance too. In between, the kids get to walk the track. They're always amazed to learn that they walked a mile during the course of the day! Here are some pictures:

Finally, here are both the junior and senior classes, along with Dr. Atkins, our supervising dentist.


So, the MDHA Convention was in Branson this year. As first years, this was all new to us. Here's what we discovered: MDHA can be as fun or as dull as you want it to be!

We loved talking to vendors and getting free stuff!

It was cool to try on loupes...

...and although the food was so-so, the company was great!

It was a fascinating class, but I was up late. Don't be hating.

Some of the cuties from the class of 2012!

There was also some great shopping, and as some of our number found out, a piano bar! Here we are preparing to go out for the night!
Until next year, MDHA!