Thursday, February 3, 2011

...And to all a good bite!

Merry Christmas!

To say we're glad to have our first semester of Dental Hygiene school under our belts is an understatement! Finals were rough, but we survived! Afterward, we took the opportunity to let loose a little and have an Ugly Sweater party! We enjoyed laughing, joking, and eating Mexican food!

Here I am sharing a little poem I wrote for the occasion. (Sorry, there are lots of inside jokes)

'Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the clinic,
Not a creature was stirring, 'cause no one was in it.
The classroom was dark, all the finals were done.
We waged a good battle, but the battle had won.
The ops were all barrier'ed, but the seniors didn't do it.
We just banged it out and got right to it.
With Stefan in his cubby and Dexter in his box,
Keri was all ready to close up the locks.
The students were all partying without any care;
Their grades weren't good, but we won't go there.
Ari in her scrubs and I with my backpack
were just leaving the building to never come back.
When out in the parking lot, there arose such a clatter,
We put on our loupes to see what was the matter.
We ran across campus, our legs were so shaky,
Faster than Xavi when someone says "Akey."
When what to my wondering eyes should appear,
Mrs. Freeman and Langdon, arm in arm, with a beer.
They whistled and shouted and called us by name,
"Now Kayla, now Xavi, now Jac, La, and Lori,
On Kelly, on Ari, on Steph, Jen and Lani.
To the top of the class, now don't you be lazy,
Now fulcrum, adapt, and study like crazy!"
Then they were off, trailing dental floss as they went,
Dreaming of getting a free Diagnodent.
Although Dental Hygiene may kill us, we'll celebrate tonight.
Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good bite!

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